Local Lodging for Retreat Students

Amy’s studio is located in downtown Carthage NC at 105 McReynolds St. The studio is on the second floor and accessible only by stairs. It is a few minutes drive from Pinehurst, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, NC.

The Old Buggy Inn is just down the street from the studio. https://theoldbuggyinn.com/

The closest hotel to the studio is the Homewood Suites in Pinehurst

For a luxury Resort stay, check out the Pinehurst Resort.- https://www.pinehurst.com/

Other close by hotels-
Springhill Suites
Comfort Inn
Holiday Inn Express

Air BnB options -

Charming Retreat-Downtown Carthage
Townhouse in Carthage
Home in Cartthage
Juniper Pines Cottage
Cozy Retreat